jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Polonia * International Orchestra on Historical Instruments

Events on July 27 - Tomorrow's Highlights

C.P.E. Bach - Symphony Wq 183 No. 4 in G major
W.A. Mozart – Symphony No, 29 in A major
J. Haydn – Symphony No. 63 "La Roxelane" in C major

Unfulfilled with the assumption that classical music is merely "pretty", "symmetrical", "harmonious" or "relaxing", Musica Humana defends the most urgently human facet of this genre and shares with its audience the deep believe that at the heart of the music from the late XVIII century lies a forceful speech, which without conflicting with beauty or brilliance displays vividly the features of the human soul with revolutionary strength and passionate conviction.

This young conductorless chamber orchestra brings together some of Europe's finest players on the field of historical performance practice (most of which collaborate regularly with ensembles such as Il Giardino Armonico, the Freiburger Barockorchester and the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin among others) and gathered by the joy of making music together with the wonderful sound palette that only period instruments can provide, Musica Humana presents a new approach on classical repertoire oriented by the splendor of rhetoric and the exciting commitment to human affects.

Warsaw Voice Pl * News in english
http://www.warsawvoice.pl/WVpage/pages/article.php/25054/article http://multilingualbooks.com/online-newspapers-polish.html 

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