miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

¡Banquetas que absorven el esmog son reales!

Yes, Smog-Eating Sidewalks Are a Real Thing * Yahho 

The eco-makeover of urban surfaces continues. First camewhite roofs. Then so-called cool pavement. And now smog-eating concrete.
Yup, sidewalks with a taste for filthy air.
Eindhoven University of Technology scientists have installed air-purifying cement onto a city block in Hengelo, Netherlands and published the results, which found that it reduced nitrogen oxide air pollution up to 45 percent in ideal weather conditions. This is an average reduction of 19 percent each day.
The concrete, dubbed “photocatalytic,” is made with run of the mill cement sprayed with a chemical—titanium oxide—that neutralizes air pollutants, the researchers’ abstractstates.
"[The concrete] could be a very feasible solution for inner city areas where they have a problem with air pollution," said researcher Jos Brouwers in 2010 to CNN, when the pavement was in its early stages.
So, what's the world waiting for? Why aren't urban jungles with smog problem—we're especially looking at you, Beijing—not jackhammering every piece of old school pavement and pouring the new stuff?
Well, like most public work projects, it all comes down to cost. Titanium dioxide pavement is simply more expensive than your grandfather's cement.
But, with further product tinkering and price–reduction, air-scrubbing pavement could be the stomping ground of the future.  
Russia Today  http://freevideo.rt.com/ 
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