China daily * VideoNews from China in english * Art
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Three-dimensional "trick" art describes artwork that creates sensory illusions by combining painting techniques, lighting techniques and creativity. It deceives the viewers' visual sense and sense of balance and makes the two-dimensional work look 3-D.
The Trick Art exhibition opened in 798 Art District's D Park in August. South Korea has hosted the exhibition five times in the past, but this is the first time it's been held in China. This year's display commemorates the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations.
Different from ordinary art exhibitions, this exhibition encourages visitors to participate and interact. They can choose an angle, pose in front of the works and take vivid pictures. Its novelty has attracted a lot of Chinese visitors.
The exhibition features more than 80 works created by Chinese and Korean artists.
Chinese Kid imitates Michael Jackson * Press this link
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