jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Find and share alternate websites

1) http://www.similarsitesearch.com/ 
2) http://www.xmarks.com/ 
3) http://www.siteslike.com/ 
4) http://www.searchenginejournal.com/ 
4b (http://www.searchenginejournal.com/find-related-sites/9086/)

How to Find More Related Sites in Your Niche
March 12, 2009
By Ann Smarty 

Find related sites linked from similar sources

[related:] advanced search operator looks for “co-citation”, i.e. pages that have similar backlink sources with the one submitted.
This search turns particularly useful for newly launched viral projects because it allows you to find sites with similar concept.

Find related sites tagged by same terms
shows which domains your site can be associated with based on the preferences of those who bookmarked it. This tool allows you to understand what the site can be associated with based on Delicious users.


Find related sites visited by the same audience:
Google Trends for websites
(which redirects to wikipedia.org report): for any domain you enter you’ll be able to see 10 sites frequented by the domain audience.

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